Saturday, November 24, 2012

2013 Prostate Cancer Calendar- Order now

Now you see why you haven't heard from us!

Since August we have been involved in the photo shoots for our 2013 Prostate Cancer Calendar! 

This years edition is literally a feast for the eyes. We worked with absolutely top notch people, all volunteering their time, their locations and their passion for their vintage planes, classic and custom motorcycles, jaw dropping classic cars..fabulous horses and dogs....and of course, the beautiful models served up the "Class and Sass" the Central Ontario Chrome Divas are known for.

The calendar includes all the Prostate Cancer events, shows, rides with dates.

Calendars are available for a $10.00 donation. We can be contacted through FB, via email to either Danni or Rhona.
They will also be available at our booth at the 2013 North American Int'l Motorcycle Supershow, January 4-6, 2013 at the International Center. Drop by and show us your support and have visit with us.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Travelin The Roads Again..

Those roads that take us to exciting adventures..well. that's where I've been for a couple of days...and enjoying every moment..great place I adventured in was Vermont..but that's another story...

Our group works on a Ladies Calendar yearly..and the Ladies that we have..all the  Lady Riders are just personality and in their skills as a rider..Each year, the calendar gets better...we are always looking for different sites for shoots..that keeps us busy...each individual we have in 2013 Calendar are role models..for our community..This is exciting!

This year we have so many entries..just unable to acccept all the Ladies..there is a criteria..and that enables us to have only the best, after all they are representing our Ladies Riding Community...

I went to Ottawa just this past weekend to see the airplane museum..looking for details, and nestled inside these exhibits were some exciting vintage motorcycles..all showing the vehicles of transportation..that were around since to ride up Essex Dr., that was interesting! All the large places had walls..and you know us Riders, we don't like those walls..Great roads around Ottawa though..

Back in town for our popular Car Cruise night (Wednesday evenings) where we have a lot of motorcycles drop by to visit and Riders regaling tell us with their stories...heading back again to some more keep the mind..calm...

I hear the PPMC had a great party on the weekend..I know they had some awesome music..Donnie Meeker, Stan Mazda...They are my favorite singers...and I know they will be at Critters Motorcycle Show in August...That event will be amazing...all the right ingredients..This will be a great event to attend..

Along the roads, had the opportunity to talk to many people..if you travel with get that opportunity to converse with everyone..

Well, my topic, Jack..Jack Layton..his thoughts on being a stellar Canadian..I believe there are so many we never hear from...The conversation I had was from a young individual, who was really just entering the world of politics. Jack Layton believed in the world of Canadians..He showed this in his last years with the amount of young people who followed his road..and got elected..His letter wanted each one of us to recognize our wealth of gifts, use them to better the world...

Well, I am going to find these great Canadians. ..and make sure we write about them.....!!

Way too much negativity these days..Facebook has become a dumping ground..and I personally don't have to hear it daily..because  I have Ladies who help me with it..But some of the things sent to is not representing our community! ..You do not have the right to run people down.What the heck is happening?

Charities refusing cheques from Bikers..Do you know we had an inquiry about giving to our Charity? ..will cheques be accepted? When Charities refuse a donation, do you know it affects us all, who work real hard at raising money for charitable organizations and communities?  We are all painted with the same brush stroke..What would the Charities do without the Biker Community ? How does a Charity rate our donations tainted?  Did someone not think this would affect us all? This has affected us, and we want this issue corrected..Put those names out there who do not want our money.. or give it to us..and we will print them..If someone is going to donate money..they have the right to know what  the Charity is doing with it? Please keep an eye on our web site..I know someone will send us the charities that have painted the bikers as being not worthy of accepting their money...The names will go up there..we will contact them..and ask why? and will print their replies..

With all that being said, we are going to prove, we have  amazing individuals out there and would like to know about them..if you are a friend..give me their name..we will contact them..let me know the boundaries...i.e. Can I use your name?

I have many amazing individuals around me..We have a rule of thumb with our running someone down..and you know you can get rid of so much when you have these means the tongue is stifled, and a brain has to be used..Biker or no Biker..this rule applies to all..Nothing nice to say..? don't say anything at all...This should be a song ..
You are responsible for your own actions..
Well, please check out our web site..if you know of any Charity or who these particular Charities were who refused the money donated from the Motorcycle Community?..Please let us know..As I said,  we will contact the said charities and print what their replies were...let's hear their responses and their side..

Keep in touch..and remember to send your info to me!..
Ride safe....

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

" A Word From Danni"

Jack Layton inspired a lot of individuals during his lifetime. During his time of battling cancer, he still continued running across Canada to make a difference in the lives of Canadians. And what a difference he made! His party grew in numbers and inspiration became a Canadian motto. He challenged and inspired us with his final letter with those words to live by. "Love is better anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair." So let us carry on this great man's legacy of inspiring others to be loving, hopeful and optimistic.We'll change the world.

If you have a moment and want to make a comment, please visit On August 22, The Layton Family will be at City Hall, but this time they will be sharing messages from all of Jack Layton's friends from coast to coast in Canada.They are making sure that his dream is in good hands.

Listening to Jack's message is inspiring myself to promote good deeds all around us. There are opportunities in our lives everyday to help others and make the world just a little bit brighter for someone else, and I,  for one, am seeking daily and know I will find them. Join with me and make the world a better place.

If you haven't read Jack's letter, click the following link and be inspired:
Jack's Letter to the Canadian people, family and colleagues.

AMA- International Women Motorcycling Conference is in Carson City, Nevada this July 26, 27, 28, 29th. At this conference they are offering "A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist." This course with backing from Motorcycle Safety Fondation will be conducted by Vicki S.(Founder of Accident Scene Management Inc.) and Gina Woods of Open Road Radio.In this course, jaw thrust breathing which keeps the neck still- and helmet removal is being discussed.
This award winning course has already been taught to 20,000 people so far in the USA- But listen..This course is coming to Canada..

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Daily rants from Toronto

Daily here in our gun-plagued city our  papers write depressing  news  about  victims  being shot or killed.....

One horrific event labelled as "brazen"was written about and it was first written as a children's party and ended up being a Block party listed days before on Twitter , marketing 'Free Henessey"
The death of 2 innocent victims, 24 people injured..

No News Conference..telling the truth about the events...just opinions..The Toronto Tax payers deserve details of whats happening in a Housing rent so cheap?, parties are common...

The party first was , the bankrupt story, child's party in a D Block Housing, Toronto Housing.. .Common lies and excuses for decades..Hummers parked around the streets..

Mayor Ford comes out and wants to fight it, but they put him down, he does not buy the age-old excuse..I am proud of you..Rob Ford...

Tenants had called in complaints of noise...
It was not addressed on that evening..just when gun shots rang out..and then it was...

The Community leaders arrive on scene and it again becomes society's problem for their problems..If a mother of two tells everyone it was a child's birthday party, then next day goes to a shelter claiming she's afraid for her life..from children? What is happening people?

Community Leaders, who's at fault here?...I wonder how one becomes a Community Leader..

I personally live beside a Hydro Field...Cricket is played there, and believe it or not there are community leaders playing here..

We have excessive consumption of alcohol, players peeing in front of the neighbors..excessive noise..balls coming too close to the the should hear this story...

Went to a community meeting..we were all threatened with being video-taped, videos of us speaking out against these community leaders and they taped the meeting.....they sat and intimidated us..or tried to!

Had a couple of young men come into the field, toting a gun.. pointed it at one of our neighbors to intimidate them...Took them to Police Station and they walked..citing the story it wasn't a real gun.

If we speak we are intimidated...This is not a new problem...

Just a new story of the week telling an age-old problem...They can't even agree with our Mayor..tells the story..finding excuses..

How many young people need to die?before something is done or community leaders changed...But if there's a Hennessey and Hummers...the darkness comes to light.

As taxpayers, we are supporting this lifestyle. It's time that someone shone a light on the whole mess and expose what is happening in our communities, to our children, to our families.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The riding season has opened here in Ontario early March..Its been great being outside and feeling the wind against your body.Rain here and there but for Canadian weather it has ben excellent..
I had my riding schedule all organized,life was well.we had some huge rides ahead and looking forward to them..
It's that call, you never expect .There's a death in your family..It's your husband was without words..Our home became sad, the only words to describe it.
The journey to Montreal was long and I believe facing the unknown of not having your Mom anymore was heavy on the heart..His Dad was quiet and only wanted to get the funeral over. He needed quality time to calm his heart.They were married a long time..How do you mend a broken heart? I will only know when he tells how.down the road.
The road coming home seemed endless, that 401 just kept going on..
You would believe , arriving home ,you would want  to jump on the bike and ride..
Thats not for everyone. A loss that great only allows you time to gather energy to continue your daily living..There's a piece of your life missing..
It is not a time to be riding those beautiful scoots we have in our garage.Its a time to gather ourselves and ride when we are safe...
Your mind is not ready, not your body.
I am fortunate that the Ladies from The Central Ontario Chrome Divas are around  making us laugh and encouraging us to enjoy those beautiful days that appear here in Ontario these days..
Ride safe

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hear Us Roar

January is an important month for our clubs who enter The Motorcycle SuperShow at The International Centre.
We have the chance to create a display and to be able to win an award..Its not easy.. you have some really stiff competition... This year, The Central Ontario Chrome Divas just really wanted to promote Prostate Cancer, because of the growth of this disease amongst our male Bikers.. We made a display to help make our men aware of this Cancer.. hear us roar....
Our Ride For Dad is growing across Canada. This year in Montreal. it will be their first one held right in Montreal..
Move over Boys.. we are joining the ride....
Well, we won 2nd Place for just getting our opinion out there..When we all roar loud, maybe we can make a difference and put a prioity on more research for this disease that is affecting our Fathers, Husbands & partners, Sons, brothers, Uncles, Cousins, friends, all of our male population
Help us Roar loud against this disease......

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Finally here in Canada

We do have to wait a little longer here for the weather to become our friend.. April comes in strong but as the days get a little longer the winds do soften up and allow us riders to feel the wind as we ride our steel horses again.
Easter was fair but most of us still got hours in out there riding the roads we missed for so many months. You feel the spirit just as you ease off and feel the right position in the seat you are not accustomed to yet. Your body just needs a few minutes to to settle in and it is going to be a great ride, you just now it.
As I stopped at the intersections, the riders were being visible. We were all dressed with layers, but we were there back in the traffic again seeking our favorite spot to ride...
The rest of the week here in Toronto, will be rain, but the corners still have sand. I will wait for the next time, I can bring out my Black Beauty.
reading all the e-mails from friends who experienced a great easter Weekend, doing what we all love to do, that's ride....